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미국주식/Scribbling ideas

Apple Is Locking Us In

  Apple, the tech giant, is hard at work on building an ecosystem that locks customers in and makes it hard for them to switch to other companies like Samsung and Huawei.  

  One way Apple is doing this is by launching new products that are tightly integrated with its existing ecosystem. For example, the new Apple Watch can check people's blood sugar levels. This is a huge deal for people with diabetes, who need to constantly monitor their blood sugar levels. The new Apple Watch can tell people their current blood sugar levels so they can adjust their meals or snacks accordingly.

  But, Apple isn't just selling the Apple Watch as a health device. What's really scary for other companies is that if checking blood sugar levels becomes as routine as drinking water, everyone will be locked into the Apple Watch. In fact, over 70% of doctors in the US recommend that their patients with diabetes wear the Apple Watch to check their blood sugar levels. And when doctors are explaining how a patient is doing, they often use an iPad to show the patient's symptoms and a MacBook to look up information.  

  Apple's strategy for innovation is endless. I think they'll keep growing as long as they keep launching new products that people want.

Second Version :

  Apple is really going all-in on this ecosystem thing. They're launching new products all the time, and they're all integrated with each other in some way. It's like they're trying to create a world where you can't live without their stuff.

I mean, take the new Apple Watch, for example. It can check your blood sugar levels! That's a huge deal for diabetics, and it's just one more way for Apple to lock you into their ecosystem.

And it's not just the Apple Watch. They've got the iPhone, the iPad, the Mac... everything you need to live your life, basically. And they're all connected to each other, so it's easy to switch between them and keep all your data in sync.

It's kind of brilliant, really. Apple is creating a world where it's just easier and more convenient to stick with them. And once you're in, it's hard to get out.

I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing. On the one hand, it's nice to have everything integrated and working together seamlessly. But on the other hand, it kind of feels like Apple is trying to control you.

I guess I'll just have to wait and see how it plays out. But one thing is for sure: Apple is not messing around. They're playing for keeps.