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미국주식/Scribbling ideas

Elon Musk : Changing the Game in Space Exploration


  So, you've probably heard of Elon Musk, right? He's the big shot over at Tesla, but guess what? he's also got this other gig with SpaceX, where they launch rockets into space. Now, here's the cool part - he's totally flipped the script on how rocket companies used to operate. 


  See, in the old days, these companies would shoot a rocket up into the sky, and that was it. The rocket was gone forever, and they had to start from scratch, buying all the materials and everything they needed to build a new one. 


  But now Elon Musk. He had his brilliant idea. He was like, "Why send a rocket on a one-way trip when we can bring it back to Earth?" So that's exactly what he did. He made it happen, and it saved a ton of money. Plus, it's been a game-changer for the whole space industry. Things are moving faster than ever. 


  And get this - now they've got a factory churning out rocket engines like it's no big deal. SpaceX is pushing the boundaries, going way beyond NASA, and Elon's got his sights set on Mars. Who knows, maybe one day we'll see humans on the Red Planet. Exciting stuff, right? 


  Elon Musk is very well-known for Tesla CEO. But, you know what? he also own a company, SpaceX launching up rockets in the space. He's broken the old rule that rocket companies had to lose a rocket after shooting up. It cost them too much to shoot up rockets again. They had to repeat a process of making rockets, such as buying irons, fuel tanks and stuffs like anything necessary for it. 


  Elon Musk's come up with really the creative idea that he would bring the rocket he shot up back to the ground. He thought why he has to let rocket go nowhere after they do their work. He just brought the rocket back so he doesn't make a new rocket again. It's saved a lot of cost and, first of all, it accelarate space industry to grow up rapidly. 


  Now, he's made a factory manufacturing engines for rockets like every day. His company, SpaceX is walking beyond NASA and building their own world. Elon Musk is dreaming of going to Mars. We will see.