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미국주식/Scribbling ideas

The British Empire : Where the Sun Never Set

    You know, the British Empire was a real heavyweight back in the day, known for being the empire where the sun never set. They had their flags planted in over 60 countries all across the globe. With all that globetrotting experience, they became a financial juggernaut, kind of like the center of the financial universe.

  And here's the deal - when you want to send your money to some far-off place, you gotta use these networks that act like the middleman, connecting you to your destination. The British had that game on lock.

  But that's not all they brought back from their world tour. They collected all sorts of cultural goodies from the countries they visited. So many Brits had these cultural treasures stashed away in their homes that they eventually decided to open a national museum in London called the 'National Gallery.' And that's not all - they've got other museums too, like an art museum, a science museum, and more, and get this, you can just stroll in for free. I reckon it's because all those cultural goodies came from all over the world.

  Now, here's the twist - some countries, like Greece and Italy. lost their treasures to the UK during those empire days, and they've been asking for them back ever since.

  But here's what set the British apart from other conquerors - they often had a local leader ruling in the colonized country, like in inda. See, other conquerors would usually bring in their own folks to call the shots in the colonized nations. It was a pretty slick move, because when folks in charge spoke the same language and came from the same place, it made it tough for the locals to muster up the motivation to protest.

  The British was very well-known for the country called “Never Sunset happens”. They had colonized over 60 countries, all over the world. With the experiences of staying in many countries, They had become the center for financial industry. As you know, if you want to send your money somewhere, you should use networks playing a role as the platform between you and there. Also, they had brought cultural stuffs from other countries so there were many Britishes who collected them in their house. As cultural stuffs the pre-government and collectors had had piled up in London, the UK has opened the national museum called 'National Gallery'. They have more museums like an art museum, a science museum and more. Entering them is for free. I think it is because culturals stuffs have come from the world. Here is the kicker. Some countries, such as Greek and Italy, that had lost their stuffs to the UK has kept asking them to give them back.

  Unlike other conquers, the British had one local leader who lives in colonized country, such as India. Usually, leaders controlling colonized nations used to being folks from colonizer’s country. That worked so well that people under the control of their same folks couldn’t have any motivations to protest.