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(디알텍)Exploring X-Ray Detectors: Beyond the Basics




  Hey there, folks! So, I got caught in the rain today, which made ma a little late. My apologies for holding up the show. Anyway, I'm the head honcho over at (디알텍), and our gig revolves around crafting detectors for x-ray machines. Let's dive into what these detectors are all about. 


  Basically, these detectors are all about catching those elusive x-rays that bounce off your bones. You can't just spot x-rays with your naked eye, so you need these detectors to snag'em. But even after the detector does its thing, it's still dealing with x-rays. Here's where fluorescent substances come into play. These substances can turn x-rays into visible light. And guess what? The detector doesn't just stand there twiddling its thumbs. It picks up that visible light and converts it into electrical signals, which ultimately give us digital images. Pretty straightforward, right? Let me break it down even further. The detector can spot x-rays, thanks to helpers like fluorescents, and then transform that visible light into digital signals for images. 


  Now that you've got the lowdown on detectors, you might be wondering if they're related to TFTs(Thin Film Transistors). Ding, ding, ding! You're absolutely right! You've probably seen TFTs doing their thing behind displays, controlling pixels to showcase digital images. Picture this : you go to the doc to check out your chest bones. The doc tells you to lift your chin and spread your arms wide, right? Well, your chest is up against a square contraption, and that's the detector doing its job, detecting x-rays bouncing off your chest bones. Fun fact : these detectors usually rock a square shape, but we've cooked up something speical - a bendable detector. Imagine you're an engineer fixing an oil pipe. You can't just tear it open, right? So, in the past, you'd have to wrap it in films to use an x-ray tester. But that meant waiting an extra three hours for those x-ray results. Not anymore ! Our innovative bendable detector can wrap itselt around that pipe and give you results in just a minute. Need I say more? 


  We cater to various indurstries, from dental and veterinary to chest imaging and more. But our pride and joy is that bendable detector, a game-changer that leaves competitors in the dust. 



  Hey, everyone ! I've got wet by rainning today so I got here kind of late. Sorry for delaying all the speeches. Well, I'm the big cheese over at (디알텍), and we're all about crafting a detector equipped in x-ray machineries. Let's break down what the detector is. 


  The detector basically detect x-ray bounced off your bones. You can't see x-ray in your eyes so you need the detector to capture it. Now, it is still x-ray although the detector got it. Here is where fluorescent substance can help. The fluorescent substance can transfer from x-ray to visible light. Here is where the detector come in, either. The detector detect the visible light and transform from it to electrical signals to show digital images. Isn't it simple to understand? To keep it simply, let me brief it. The detector can detect x-ray with the help of substances like fluorescents, and then it transfer from visible ligjt to digital signals for imgages. 


  Now that you understand what the detector is, you can tell it is actually TFT(Thin Film Transistor) that control pixels to show digital images. You're right ! you must've seen TFTs working behind display, showing digital images by controlling pixels. Let's picture you go to see a doctor to check your chest bones. The doctor would say, raise your chin up on a place and spread your hands to each side. Now, your chest is against a square stuff. It is the detector detecting x-ray bounced off your chest bones. What I wanna say is the detectors usually has a square shape. But, we've developed a bendable detector. Say, you are an engineer repairing a oil pipe. You can't open it. So, you used to surround it with films to use x-ray tester. But, it takes 3 hours more to print out the x-ray paper you would see. But, this renovative bendable detector can surround it by itself. And you can check it out within 1 minute. No words to say more, right? 


  We sell our detectors to dental, animal, chest, normal industries. Especially, we're focusing on the benable detector other competitors can't follow yet.