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미국주식/Scribbling ideas

(이닉스)Keeping Batteries Cool: Our Journey with Cell Pads




  Hey there, folks! I'm the big cheese at 이닉스, and we're super into making cell pads that keep battery cells in tip-toe shape. You see, every time batteries charge up or down, they get hot, and that can cause them to puff up. It's like the cells are yelling, "Hold up, I can't take any more juice! I'm gonna blow!" 


  To protect these cells from going haywire, we've got this nifty thing called a 'cell pad'. It's like a bodyguard for battery cells, keeping them from getting too big or too small. This helps batteries last longer, which is pretty awesome. Our cell pads are like, "Bring it on, I'm not bothered. I'm here to keep things steady." 


  We're already buddies with big names like Skon and Hyundai Mobis, and we're on the hunt for more partners. The best pars? We've got glowing reviews from major cell makers. It's like a gold star that says our cell pads are top-notch compared to others. 




  Hello, everyone. I'm the head honcho over at 이닉스. We're all about crafting cell pad to keep what battery cells should look like. You know, everytime batteries are charged or incharged, it emits heat, which could lead to expanding cells. In battery, cells are like "Hey, I'm done! Don't let voltage in more! I'm about to explode!" 


  To keep battery cells safe from this danger, we supply some safer called 'cell pad' to cell makers. Our cell pads would keep the shape of cells in normal from expanding or contracting. This will make cell's lifespan longer than before. Cell pads are like "No matter what comes in, I do not care. I'll just keep this cell normal". 


  We're working with SKon, Hyundai Mobis. We're looking for some other partners. We have really great references from big cell makers that can be a proof that we have competitive cell pads compared to other competitors.