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Exploring the Changing Landscape of IP Cameras


  Hey there! Let's dive into the world of IP cameras and see how things are shaking up, my friend. So, check out that camera up there, above your head. Ever wondered what it's all about? Well, I've got the scoop on how the camera market is evolving. 


  First things first, let's talk about IP cameras. IP stands for Internet Protocol, which basically means these cameras work with the internet. You see, they can send data(like video) through the internet to a central hub for monitoring. 


  But here's the kicker : with the internet comes the possibility of unwanted guests sneaking into your network. It's just the nature of the beast, right? That's where Ethernet comes to the rescue. While the internet has a two-way street, Ethernet goes only one way, making it a one-way ticket for those pesky invaders. No room for them here! 


  Now, let's rewind the clock about a decade. Back then, IP cameras relied heavily on Pcs to boss them around. Pcs have their limits, though, and couldn't handle the demand for IP cameras. But guess what? These smart IP cameras now have their own logic and chips. They can call the shots and act independently. This means we've seen a surge in IP cameras popping up in homes, businesses, smart cities - you name it. 


  Oh, and have you ever heard of video encoders and decoders? Don't sweat it; it's a breeze to grasp. A video encoder does exactly what it sounds like - it encodes data. Picture it like this: it transforms analog data, like images,into digital data by scaling it down. Think of it as the transmitter. Now, the decoder? Well, once we've got that data from the encoder, it's all 1s and 0s, which can be a bit overwhelming. That's where the decoder swoops in, translating that digital jumble back into analog data, like a real video. 


  So there you have it, buddy. The fascinating world of IP cameras and how they're changing the game. Cool stuff, right? 



  Hey, Look at the camera over your head. Do you know what that camera is? I'll tell you how camera market is changing, buddy. You should know what IP camera is, fisrt. IP stands for Internet protocol. It literally says IP camara works with internet. You know, we can send data(here is video) through internet to a center where you can monitor. 


  But, what if other invaders come in this network? it is likely to happen enough because It is internet ! So, in network for IP camera, ethernet can help. While Internet works for the round trip, ethernet goes only one way. So, nobody can invade in. There is no room for invaders. 


  a decade ago, IP camera had relied on PC that controls them. You know, PC has a logic so they can order edges(here is IP camera). But, the thing is that PC has the limits that afford to have IP camera. So, IP camera couldn't be installed as much as market needed. But, since logics comes in each IP camera, they didn't need to rely on PC. They've become to have their own chip, which means they can order and act on their own. So, a lot of IP camera could come out and be installed on homes, companies, smartcities and more. 


   Let me tell you one more thing. Have you heard about video encoder and decoder? do not worry. It's really easy to understand. video encoder does encode. It means you can transform from analog data like image to digital data by downsizing it. It is like transmitter. What about decoder? Yeah, when we've got the data from encoder, what we call see is 1,0,1,0,1,1... It is devestating. We should recover its digital data to original data. So, decoder translate digital data as analog data like real video.