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(칩스앤미디어)Getting to Know Video IP

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  Hey there, folks. I'm super pumped to talk about my business with you all. I'm the CEO of 칩스앤미디어, and we're all about selling video IP to those cool fabless companies that design chips. Our clients include big players in various industries like displays, smartphones, cameras, data centers, and AI. Now, you might be wondering how video fits into all of this and why we're working with AI and data center folks. Well, let me break it down for you. 
  First off, videos pack a ton of data, way more than your average text, images, or sounds. And when you throw UHD and 4K into the mix, it's like a data explosion! You're probably thinking, "Video IP is just for videos, right?" Well, you're spot on. We mainly sell our IP to those fabless companies that create chips for video-related gadgets like TVs, smartphones, and laptops. 
  But here's the kicker : as the world goes digital, the amount of data we're dealing with is off the charts. It's like an unstoppable tsunami of information. So, being able to process all that heavy data quickly and efficiently is absolutely crucial. That's where the fabless companies had a lightbulb moment. They realized that video processing skils could be the secret sauce for handling this data deluge. Just think about it - video processors have been handling 4K movies without a hiccup. Ever had those annoying buffering moments while streaming a movie? Nope, right? It's because the skills behind managing video data are top-notch at crunching loads of information. And that's where I saw the opportunity. 
  I've been knee-deep in video IP research for decades, and I finally saw the chance to share what we've got. Now, we're not just earning license fees from our fabless customers - if their products hit the market, we're getting royalties from their sales too. It's seriously brilliant business model. Of course, we're putting a ton of effort into research and development to stay ahead of the competition. After all, you've gotta stay sharp in this game. 

  Hello, guys. I'm so glad to give a speech here for my business. I'm a CEO of 칩스앤미디어, we sell video IP to fablesses that design chips. We have a wide range of customers like a display, a smartphone, a camera, a datacenter, and AI. You might wonder what video IP works for and why I have AI and datacenter customers. The video is just the video. it is like just showing something. Datacenters store data in PC server. They show some pics there ? Those are what is haning out in your head. Let me tell you about it. 
  First, videos has even more data than any stuffs like letters, images, sounds and more. If UHD, 4K come in to this game? They can't even hit it a bit. You think video IP is for videos, You got it right. We usually sell the fablesses making chips for videos the IP. Their chips would get into some gadgets like TVs, smartphones, laptops. But, since people all over the world have dived into digital world, the amount of data's been skyrocketing. Nobody can stop it. So, processing the heavy data fast and effectivly is really crucial these days. So, the fablesses thought they would bring here the video skills to process the heavy data. Think about it. Video processors've been dealing with 4K movies. Have you been through some buffering while you watch movies? No. it proves the skills that managed video data is really excellent for calculating a lot of data. So, here is where I've spotted the blue ocean. 
  I've been doing video IP research for decades. I've found the opportunity to sell the IP I have. So, now we've got license fee from our fabless customers. Not finished yet! if their producst are sold in markets ? they pay loyalties for the sales, either. It is really brilliant business. Of course, we've been investing in R&D so much not to be chased after from our competitors.