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The Tough Job of Wafer Cleaning in Semiconductor Manufacturing Hey there! I totally get the struggle you're going through with cleaning wafers in semiconductor manufacturing. Those little wafers have to endure some serious challenges, like high voltage, extreme temperatures, and even plasma. It's like a survival game for them, right? But here's the kicker, after going through all those processes, those wafers end up getting seriously dirty. And you know wha..
Let's Talk About Supercapacitors! You ever heard of a supercapacitor? To put it simply, think of it like a cousin to a regular capacitor. Now, what's a capacitor, you ask? Well, it's like a little storage unit for electricity, holding onto those tiny electrons. They usually show up in devices powered by electricity. Now, a supercapacitor, as the name suggests, takes things up a notch. It can handle more electricity than your typ..
Exploring the Changing Landscape of IP Cameras Hey there! Let's dive into the world of IP cameras and see how things are shaking up, my friend. So, check out that camera up there, above your head. Ever wondered what it's all about? Well, I've got the scoop on how the camera market is evolving. First things first, let's talk about IP cameras. IP stands for Internet Protocol, which basically means these cameras work with the internet. You see,..
금화피에스시, 원자력발전소가 더 지어진다면 반드시 이 업체를(쉽게설명!) 금화피에스시 사업 발전정비(71%, 경상정비, 계획예방정비), 플랜트건설(6%), 수처리&폐수(21%(\) · 발전소 정비 : 경상정비, 계획예방정비 * 경상정비 : 인력 상주 > 수시로 정비 * 계획예방정비 : 발전소 가동 멈춤고 정비 > 전력소비 적은 봄, 가을에 주로 실행 · 플랜트건설 : 화력발전소, 원자력발전소 · 수처리&페수 : 수처리시설, 폐수처리시설 기회 · 신재생에너지 발전소 확대 > 신재생에너지 정비를 할 수 있는 기술력 시장에서 요구 > 기술 차별화 · 리스크 · · 업데이트 : 주주구성(23.9월 기준) : 금화피에스시 1. 발전소 정비 : 경상정비, 계획예방정비 화력발전소, 원자력발전소가 계속해서 전기를 만들어내기 위해서는 고장없이 가동률을 높이는 것이 가장 효율적이겠죠. 그래서,..
The Hidden World of Smartphone Cameras You've probably got a smartphone, right? And I bet you whip it out(take out) quite often to snap photos or record videos. Now, take a moment to think about your phone's camera. It might seem like it's just sitting there, not doing much, but inside that camera, the lenses are actually hard at work. Let me give you an example. When you zoom in on something, like the logo on a building, your phone'..
상신이디피, 삼성SDI와의 강력한 결합파트너 (쉽게설명!) 상신이디피 사업원형CAN(45%), 중대형CAN(44%), 기타(1%) · 이차전지 CAN : 원형(소형전동공구), 중대형(EV, ESS향) · Cap Ass'y, CID기회 · · 리스크 · 원형, 중대형 CAN 생산 > 삼성SDI 의존도 매우 높음 · 업데이트 : 주주구성(23.9월 기준) : 상신이디피 상신이디피는 이차전지를 담는 그릇인 CAN(캔)을 만드는 업체에요. CAN의 종류로는 원통형, 중대형이 있는데요. 원통형은 소형공구(=전동공구)들에 주로 사용이 되고 중대형공구는 EV, ESS에 주로 쓰여요. CAN의 역할은 음료수 캔과 거의 같아요. 안에 있는 내용물(음료=이차전지소재)을 보호해주는 것이죠. 만일, CAN이 없다면, 배터리 셀 내부에서 일어나는 고온과 고압을 버텨줄 수 없어서 폭발하..
Demystifying MLCC: The Electrical Gatekeepers in Our Gadgets Hey there! Have you heard about MLCC? MLCC stands for Multi-Layer Ceramic Capacitor. But don't worry, I'm not gonna dive into all the technical stuff here. Let's just say we might find a way to make some money with MLCC. You know, MLCC is kinda like a dam in a river, deciding when to let the water(or in this case, electricity) flow. All those IT devices, like smartphones and home appliances, hav..
Chinese E-commerce Shaking Things Up in Korea Hey there! So, I came across this interesting E-commerce company in China called Temu while I was doing some investment research. Not sure what "Temu" means, but one thing's for sure - they've got some crazy cheap prices. I've even included a pic of their website below for you to check out. Most of their stuff doesn't go over 10,000won, which is a steal. But here's the kicker - Coupang, the big ..