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(세아제강)The Future of Seah Steel's STS and Carbon Pipes Hey everyone ! I'm the chief at Seah Steel, and I've noticed that some of you, especially our investors, might be losing interest in the steel industry. But today, I'm here to give you a fresh perspective and show you why our steel business is really worth your attention. At Seah Steel, our main focus is on producing steel pipes. These pipes are essential for transporting various fluids, includi..
(디엔에프)Exploring Semiconductor Materials: DPT, High-k, and Low-k Hey there ! I'm the head honcho over at 디엔에프(DNF). Recently, 솔브레인(Solbrain) has taken us under their wing as a subsidiary, but rest assured, we're still in business and doing our thing. Let's dive into what we're all about and what we've got in store. Our gig revolves around crafting materials used in manufacturing semiconductors, specifically DPT(Double Patterning Tech), High-k, and Low-k. Let'..
(이미지스)Behind the Scenes of Touch and Haptic Technology" Hey there, folks! Today, I'm here to chat about my company, 이미지스! I'm the head honco over at 이미지스, and I want to give you the lowdown on what we're all about in the business world. We're a company that specializes in designing touch controllers and haptic ICs for smartphones. Chances are, you've interacted with our IC products, even if you didn't realize it. So, take a moment to grab your phone ..
(하니기술) Making Secondary Cells: A Peek Inside 하나기술's Process Hey folks ! I'm the big cheese over at 하나기술, and our gig is all about crafting the nifty machinery needed for secondary cell production. Let's dive right into the nitty-gritty of how secondary cells are whipped up and how our gear plays a crucial role in the manufacturing mix. So, first things first, let's get the lowdown on how secondary cells are cooked up. We can break it down into four simpl..
엔에스와 원익피앤이 흡수합병, 날아오를 수 있을까 (쉽게설명!) 원익피앤이 사업 조립&활성화장비(81%, 조립=각형,파우치/활성=원통형,각형,파우치), 전원공급장치(10%, 전압유지, 가스터빈기동장치), 전기차충전기(6%), 기타(3%) · 조립공정장비 : Notching-Stacking-Packaging-Electrolyte Filling / 각형, 파우치형 · 활성화장비 : 충방전기, Aging, Degassing / 원통형, 각형, 파우치형 ------------------------------ · 전원공급장치(발전소향) : PCR(Phase Control Rectifier, 일정전압유지), 가스터빈 기동장치(터빈회전) ------------------------------ · 전기차충전기 기회 · 리스크 · · 업데이트 : 주주구성(23.12월 기준) : 원익..
루닛, 유방암, 흉부암에 특화된 의료AI 업체를 찾고있나요? (쉽게설명!) 루닛 사업 Lunit Insight(68%, 유방암,흉부암 AI), Lunit Scope(31%, 면역항암AI) · 의료AI : Lunit Insight(유방암, 흉부암), Lunit Scope(면역항암) 기회 · 해외매출 비중 86% > 국내 14% · 리스크 · · 업데이트 : 주주구성(23.9월 기준) : 루닛 루닛은 크게 2 가지 사업을 하고 있어요. 의료AI로써 의사의 진단에 보조역할을 하는 Lunit Insight라는 제품이 첫 번째고요. 두 번째는 진단 시 해당 질환영역을 현미경 차원에서 세밀하게 조사해 바이오마커로 보여주는 Lunit Scope가 있어요. 루닛은 암과 관련한 의료AI에 특화되어있는 기업이에요. 그래서, Lunit Insight는 흉부암, 유방암을 주로 다루고 있어요. Lun..
엠플러스, 이차전지 조립공정의 모든 장비를 공급 (쉽게설명!!) 엠플러스 사업 조립공정장비(89%, 파우치전용=Stacking-Tad Welding-전해액주입-Degassing), 기타(11%) / 주요거래처 : SK온 · 조립공정장비 : (파우치형, 각형 전용)노칭, 스태킹, 탭웰딩, 패키징, 디개싱 * 조립공정 - Notching-Stacking-Tab Welding-전해액주입-Degassing * 노칭공정 : 전극공정에서 넘어온 롤형태 전극판을 노칭기로 컷팅 * 와인딩&스태킹공정 : Winding(원통형, 각형), Stacking(파우치형, 각형) * 탭웰딩공정 : 와인딩 or 스태킹된 전극판들의 전류를 한데 모으기 위한 Tab 용접 * 전해액주입공정 : 파우치형셀 들어갈 위치 필름으로 만들고 열로 가공 > 전해액 주입 * 디개싱공정 : 전해액 주입공정 중간에 ..
(LX세미콘)Diving into Display Drivers and Future Innovations Hey there! I'm the big chesse at LX세미콘. It's awesome to meet you today to chat about my company. Let me break down what we're all about and what's on the horizon. We're all about creating a chip called DDI(Display Driver IC). Let's get into the nitty-gritty of what DDI does. DDI is in charge of controlling TFT(Thin Film Transistor). TFT acts like a switch, turing subpixels on and off. So, DDI ha..